When regular darshan of Poonam started in the year of 1997, Hon. Raman Maadi told the volunteers that we need to provide Bhojan (Prasad) to all the devotees. All volunteers of Jay Maadi Seva Parivar were confused with one question: how shall we feed these many people? Hon. Raman Maadi told with simplicity, ‘if we have desire to serve, the goddess MeldiMataji herself shall feed all devotees.’ Since then, till today, 5000 to 7000 devotees get blessed by Darshan and Prasad of Mataji each Poonam at Kaiyaldham.
Paatotsav on Sharad Poornima
A grand paatotsav is organised on Sharad Poornima every year in which millions of devotees get blessed by darshan and Prasad. Dharmdhaja (the holy flag) is raised on the day of Paatotsav, aarti (prayer) is performed in front of Mataji and the real shawl gifted by Mataji is placed for darshan. A yagna of 31 kundi is performed on the same day for which all the materials are provided by Hon. Raman Maadi. In each of the activity here, Om Bhagvati Shree Meldi Mataji herself guides and motivates Hon. Raman Maadi. After offering coconut fruit in yagna, thaal (food prayer) for mataji is sung and the environ becomes so spiritual and divine that it feels like the goddess herself is coming for Prasad. Everyone’s eyes, devotees, saints and prophets, burst in to tears at that moment. All volunteers feel excited and then Hon. Raman Maadi ignites lamp in his right palm and performs aarti. This aarti is really worth witnessing as it becomes blessings for life for all present there.